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Volleyball: Truly, Madly, Deeply

Finally the time has come to write about a subject that has involved me since childhood: volleyball. Yes, my passion for volleyball comes since I was a kid. It's a love that comes from family! It all started with my grandmother who even lied her age to play in a team at her school so the team didn’t get incomplete and with that she helped the team to win; it was a love passed on to his sons and daughters and then to his grandchildren, and that is where my love for this sport begins.

I grow up watching TV shows accompanied by my mother and my uncles, I always felt their vibrations while watching the games, whether they were good or bad vibrations. Now let's go to the part that I put my passion into practice, okay? When I was 11 years old, I went to a new school where there physical education was truly taken seriously and then I had my first physical contact with volleyball. All classes were a joy to participate to be able to practice more and more, until I discovered that there was a volleyball team in my city and the training was very close to my house and I immediately began to be part of these training to perfect me. Unfortunately I didn’t stay in this team and I didn’t participate in major championships, I had some problems within this team and I gave up on moving on.

A few years later I changed schools again and there, I was able to return to playing my beloved volleyball and I participated in championships inside this new school. Right on my first volleyball game at this school, I scored several times in a row with only my serves and the coolest of that is that I got recognition from the people on my team; you might be wondering, "What do you mean by recognition?" I was the youngest girl on the team, everyone else was already 16/17 and I was only 13 and I took the team to victory! From this day I remember this, and I was never so sure that I wanted to grow in volleyball.

After a while I stopped playing at school and just helped in training at the time of school championships. Today, unfortunately, volleyball has become a distant dream for me, at least for now, but I always try to stay update about the national team, both female and male. What really interests me are always the selections, I must confess that I don’t follow the states team. I have don’t yet had the opportunity to watch a live match on gymnasium, but I know that soon I will perform.

My contact nowadays with volleyball is through TV and sometimes in some matches between my relatives, but my love for this sport is something that will never go away I hope I can pass this love on to my future children and maybe one day I can carry on my dream of being a player.

-Luciana Oliveira

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