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Chronic of Christmas

This year we had many sporting events, events that made several athletes recognize their own worth and recognize the importance of family in their lives. Certainly 2017 was a year of many achievements.

The end of the year has arrived and with it comes important dates like Christmas and New Year. But today, our focus will be on Christmas ... Christmas is a beautiful date, a date that commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ, the birth of the one God sent to us to spread goodness, love, joy, peace and complicity in the world!

These things that Jesus Christ did proportioned to the world is very much like what sport does. Even with the focus of disputing among other countries, other people, sport always has the duty to unite people, unite for love and friendship!

Christmas, besides being the birth of Jesus Christ, is also a date to be celebrated with those who love us the most, who our family is. Throughout the year we celebrate our conquests, often with our friends, because we were not always close to our relatives. Now is the time to return to those who love us unconditionall

-Luciana Oliveira

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