The World Military Pentathlon Championship takes place every year since 1950. The first edition was in Antibes, France. In 2017, the 64th edition of the championship was in Salinas, Ecuador.
In the championship there are the following tests: Shooting, Utilitarian Swimming with Obstacles, Cross-country Running, Throwing of Grenades and Running on an Obstacle Course. There are individual champions and champions by team.
In the women's singles total competition, the three Chineses, Corporal Chaonan Guan, 1st Lieutenant Tang Lin Wang and Corporal Qian Wu, were in first, second and third places, respectively.
In the men's singles, 1st Lieutenant Yucheng Pan of China came in first, followed by Belarusian, 1st Lieutenant Aliaksandr Vasileuski that finished in second. Lieutenant Aleksei Krylov of Russia was the third.
In total for teams, it looks like this:
Do you wanna know more results?
Check out this short video of one of the competitions: Women's cross
Credits: All photos were taken from the official Facebook of 64 World Military Pentathlon Championship