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The 2ND WM Beach Volleyball will happen in Rio!

The Second World Military Beach Volleyball Championship will take place in November this year, from 6th to 13th, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Ten delegations will participate: Brazil, Burkino Faso, China, Germany, Iran, Latvia, Palestine, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and the Netherlands.

The delegations will arrive on the 6th and the opening will be at five o`clock in the afternoon of the 7th. On 12th it will take place the closing ceremony and on13th the delegations leave Brazil.

That Rio de Janeiro has beautiful and famous beaches, that people already know. And the competition will take place in the neighborhoods of Urca and Barra da Tijuca. And I'll tell you a little about these neighborhoods.

Urca is a noble neighborhood in the South Zone, the tourist spots of the neighborhood are the Sugar Loaf and the "Morro da Urca". It also has important institutions there, such as: Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Army Command and Staff School, Naval War School, War College and Military Engineering Institute. Urca is one of the few neighborhoods doesn’t have any “favela” (shantytown/slum) and this place is considered one of chillin’ towns of the city because of the quarters army that remain there. And there we have also two beaches: "Praia Vermelha" and "Praia da Urca".

Barra da Tijuca is in the West Zone, a neighborhood in the upper middle class. Where a lot of brazilian artists live. Barra is a place where there are many concerts, malls and leisure spaces. "Rock in Rio" festival normally happens in Barra and it was there that also happened Rio 2016 Olympics. In Barra da Tijuca there are two beaches: "Praia da Barra" and "Praia da Reserva", but this beach is between Barra and Recreio dos Bandeirantes, that it also a noble neighborhood in Rio de Janeiro.

- Elisa Dias - Luciana Oliveira

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