Let me explain to you first what is sambo!
Sambo is a modern martial art originally developed in the Soviet Union in the early twentieth century and recognized as a sport since 1938. Sambo is the initials of "CAMозащита Без Oружия" (SAMozashchita Bez Oruzhiya), that in free translation can mean "self-defense without arms".
All right! Now we can go to our curatorship post today.
About the material:
Date: November 11, 2017
Media: Inside the Games
Theme: Sambo could be included in Summer Military World Games programme
“International Military Sports Council (CISM) sports director Carlos dos Santos has expressed his hope that sambo could be included on the programme for future editions of the Summer Military World Games.”
The Brazilian, Carlos dos Santos, said he believed it would be possible if there was an interaction between CISM and the International Sambo Federation.
“Sambo is a martial art and combat sport, developed and used by the Soviet Red Army in the early 1920s to improve their hand-to-hand combat abilities.
The sport is similar in many ways to judo and jujutsu, but also incorporates different types of wrestling, and various self-defence systems.”
Earlier this year, CISM President Abdulhakeem Alshanoo said: "Sambo is very popular worldwide nowadays".
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