Today we will bring to you information about the World Cadet Games. We catch this news from an Indonesian media. So, we’ll put it in the original language and in English.
About the material:
Date: November 14th, 2017
Media: ANTARA news .com
Theme: Akademi Militer di Magelang lokasi World Cadet Games 2018 (Military Academy in Magelang location World Cadet Games 2018)
Link: https://www.antaranews.com/berita/664786/akademi-militer-di-magelang-lokasi-world-cadet-games-2018
The 3rd CISM World Cadet Games will happen this year, and will take place in Magelang and Yogyakarta, Indonesia. It will happen from April 28 until May 6. Was chosen as one of the locations for the competition: Campus of Military Academy in Magelang, Central Java.
“(…) Diikuti ribuan peserta dari akademi militer seluruh dunia," kata staf ahli Panglima TNI, Mayor Jenderal TNI Endang Sodik, di Magelang, Selasa.”
“(…) Will be participated by thousands of participants from military academies around the world," said TNI Commander-in-Chief Major General Endang Sodik in Magelang on Tuesday.”
He said this after an audience with the mayor of Magelang, Sigit Widyonindito. Sodik said that Indonesia has an Indonesian Military Consortium Committee that launches with sports with participants from TNI members.
“"Sejauh ini, sudah ada 2.000 peserta dari militer berbagai negara yang telah terdaftar sebagai peserta. Jumlah itu diperkirakan masih akan bertambah," ungkap Sodik.””
“"So far, there have been 2,000 participants from the military of various countries that have been registered as participants, which is expected to increase," Sodik said.””
He mentioned several sports competed in the competition such as track and field, orienteering, and military pentathlon including shooting, running obstacle, swimming obstacle, cross-field, throwing, obstacle relay race, volleyball, swimming, and badminton.
“Widyonindito menyatakan, "Kami tentu mendukung dan menyambut pelaksanaan kegiatan ini. Apalagi jumlah peserta mencapai ribuan orang yang akan turut berdampak pada pariwisata dan perekonomian warga."
Ia berharap promosi wisata Kota Magelang bisa sampai ke luar negeri melalui kegiatan ini.
"Paling tidak, dari ribuan peserta itu bisa membawa dan mengenalkan souvenir maupun oleh-oleh dari UMKM Kota Magelang ke negara masing-masing," katanya.”
“Widyonindito stated, "We certainly support and welcome the implementation of this activity, especially since the number of participants reaches thousands of people who will also affect the tourism and the economy of the people."
He hopes the promotion of tourism Magelang city can get abroad through this activity.
"At least, from thousands of participants that can bring and introduce souvenirs or souvenirs from SMEs of Magelang City to their respective countries," he said.”
Do you wanna know more about?
Click here: https://www.antaranews.com/berita/664786/akademi-militer-di-magelang-lokasi-world-cadet-games-2018
Soon we will have more post about the 3rd CISM World Cadet Games.
See you in two weeks!! Till there!
-Elisa Dias