Today we'll talk about the Corrida da Paz, the literal translation is peace race. But first let's come back 70 years ago. Back in 1948 the leader of the French squadron, Henri Debrus, together with the military forces of France, Belgium, The Netherlands, Luxembourg and Denmark founded the CISM, whose goal is to promote peace through sports.
Since 2006 the CISM celebrate his birthday through the CISM Day Run (today it's called the CISM Day Run for Peace) and this race is organized by the Armed Forces of all 136 members countries.
The "Corrida da Paz" (the literal translation is peace race), how it's called in Brazil, it's a sporting fraternization, without competitive purposes. And carries with it the motto: "Friendship through Sport". The purpose is to promote the sporting practice of the Armed Forces and the inclusion of society.
Now that we told you a little bit of the story of the "Corrida da Paz”. We can go back to the present day and tell you about the race of this year.
The thirteenth Peace Race will take place on February 18 in Brasília and in other cities around the world, capital of Brazil. The coordination of the event will be done by the Ministry of Defense, by the Brazilian Military Sport Commission (CDMB). The organization will be made by the Brazilian Army with support from the Ministry of Sport. The course will be in the Eixão Sul, with the start at 9am.
In the previous edition, the federal capital was the Brazilian host city with the largest number of participants, approximately 7 thousand. In the 2018 edition, the organization expects to exceed this brand of participants. Therefore, the support of the Ministry of Sports encourages a campaign called: #JogoLimpo, to publicize educational and prevention actions aimed at the eradication of doping in Brazilian sports.
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See you in the next post!