Today we’ll get to know another sport... as you can see in the title, we going to know Handball.
Handball is an analogy of football. After all, football means ball in the foot in the meantime that handball means ball in the hands. This sport was created almost one hundred years ago. Did you remember what was happening back there? Well, is not a good memory, but was happening World War I. Guess we all want something good to know about this time of our history. Thanks to Professor Karl Schelenz we have!
Professor Schelenz create Handball based in sport that he saw in North Europe and in Uruguay. In the beginning the game was practiced in a field similar to football, by two teams with 11 players each. Before, it was practiced only by girls.
In 1927, the International Amateur Handball Federation (FIHA) was created, however, in 1946, the Swedes officialized their handball for only 7 players per team, and with the FIHA being renamed the International Handball Federation (FIH). And the 11-player game passed into the background. In 1933 the German federation was created, which, three years later, introduced handball in the Olympic Games in Berlin. In 1954, the FIH had 25 nations.
Enough with the history lesson, let's move to the rules…
Not that different from football, the purpose of the game is score goals. The team who has more goals in the match wins! Easy, right?
Just like in football, the match is divide by two half, but the difference is that in handball each half has thirty minutes. The interval has ten minutes and has two referees and a person who controls the timing game.
The player with the ball can take up to three steps until throwing it to another. This is also true for time, meaning that each player can remain with them for 3 seconds. This makes handball a very dynamic game.
But can keep the ball longer than three minutes as long as it is buckled all the time. It is allowed to block an opponent player with his own body. If the player commits foul to prevent the opponent from making a goal, the referee must score a 7-meter shot, which is similar to the soccer penalty.
Let me talk a little bit about the foul of games…
When the ball touches another part of the body’s players, like the feet, is a foul. After all, the games call’s HANDball, so… makes sense. Is also a foul when someone try to rip out the ball of the hands of the opponent.
As we know from football, exist more aggressive moves. And for this kind of moves, has the yellow and red card.
Yellow card: Is like a reminder for the player. Can’t receive more than three cards, if this happens the players is disqualified. In other words, three yellows mean one red. After the second yellow the player leaves the field for two minutes.
Red card: Is the price to pay for a more aggressive move. The player leaves the field and the team be without a player for two minutes, after that, another player can get it. The red card means expulsion.
Something cool to know is that the only player who can touch the ball with his feet’s is the goalkeeper. What is funny, once the goalkeeper in football is the only one who can touch the ball with his hands.
Another curiosity is that Handball was in Olympic in 1936, but was a onetime thing, however returned in 1972.
See you, guys, next week!!